


Training will be lead by one of our fantastic centre coaches, training / coaching will comprise 2 hours total, split 1 hour each for  Tots-11 (530pm to 630pm) and 12-20age groups (630pm to 730pm).

Optional Walks Training for 9+ 

Thursday 24th October 6:30 -7:15pm

Thursday 7th November 6:30-7:15pm

Thursday Schedule

Junior  5:30-6:30pm Tots- 11
Throw Jump Track
17/10/2024 Shot put Sprints
24/10/2024 Long jump hurdles
31/10/2024 Discus Starts
07/11/2024 Vortex Long jump
14/11/2024 Shot put Hurdles
21/11/2024 Long jump Sprints
28/11/2024 Discus Starts


Senior    6:30-7:30pm  12-20
Throw Jump Track
17/10/2024 Shot put Sprints
24/10/2024 Long jump Hurdles
31/10/2024 Discus Starts : crouch (no blocks)
07/11/2024 Javelin Triple Jump
14/11/2024 Long jump Block starts
21/11/2024 Shot put Fitness/ endurance
28/11/2024 Discus Triple jump

These training and coaching sessions, which serve as a great way to achieve even more / greater PBs, are exclusively for NDLAC athletes and are provided at no additional charge for our registered Centre members.

Athletes need not wear their NDLAC uniforms. Comfortable clothes for running, jumping and throwing plus enclosed footwear are all that you need, plus plenty of energy and a willingness to learn and have some fun! As always, bring along a drink and a hat for the earlier sessions in particular, and keep an eye out for any wet weather announcements via our NDLAC TeamApp page.

We look forward to welcoming many athletes and families at Foxglove each Thursday!

Additional Training Sessions

Additional training for Centre Squads (such as Relay teams) will be provided on an ‘as-needed’ basis.