We will rotate each week between the two programs except for special events such as multi-event and pentathlon days or where we need to alter due to weather conditions. Main program start is 8:30am arrive 15mins prior for warm up and set-up.
Parental Assistance Sign Ups for 2024/2025
Please click light grey link below to sign up for your parental assistance.
We will use sign up to check we have the required amount of helpers for the meet as well as track parental assistance requirements.
Early & Late Event Sign Ups for 2024/25
Here is the link for Season 2024/25 early/late event sign up.
Early events are optional events for U9+ and start @7:30 am. Please sign your athlete up be there 10-15mins before your event to be ready to start. Events are as follows (U9+ walk only, U11-12 walk, javelin and triple jump, U13+ walk, 3000m, discus, javelin and triple jump. These events alternate each week. only the age groups stipulated in the weeks program can participate. Please click light grey link above to sign your athlete up.
Centre Programs
NDLAC Friday Night Program 2 2024
Set-Up @ Pack Up Duty – for 2024/25
If it is your age groups turn please make sure you are at the oval by 730am (for Saturday meets) and 515pm (for Friday night meets) to assist with set-up.
Setup | Packup | |
14/09/2024 | 12’s | 13’s – 17’s |
21/09/2024 | 11M | 11F |
28/09/2024 | 10M | 10F |
5/10/2024 | LONG WEEKEND – NO MEET | |
12/10/2024 | 9M | 9F |
19/10/2024 | 8M | 8F |
26/10/2024 | 6’s | 7’s |
2/11/2024 | 13’s – 17’s | 12’s |
9/11/2024 | 11F | 11M |
16/11/2024 | 10F | 10M |
23/11/2024 | ZONE WEEKEND – NO MEET | |
30/11/2024 | 9F | 9M |
7/12/2024 | 8F | 8M |
14/12/2024 | 7’s | 6’s |
20/12/2024 | 12’s | 13’s – 17’s |
28/12/2024 | BREAK – NO MEET | |
4/01/2025 | BREAK – NO MEET | |
11/01/2025 | 11M | 11F |
18/01/2025 | 10M | 10F |
25/01/2025 | 9M | 9F |
1/02/2025 | 8M | 8F |
8/02/2025 | REGION WEEKEND – NO MEET | |
15/02/2025 | 6’s | 7’s |
22/02/2025 | 13’s – 17’s | 12’s |
1/03/2025 | 11F | 11M |
8/03/2025 | 10F | 10M |
Parental Assistance
Compared to other sports, Little Athletics needs a larger number of parents/guardians to help run all events. Parents/guardians find that they get a great deal of enjoyment from active participation in their children’s sport and your assistance is greatly appreciated!! The minimum expectation is for one parent/guardian per family to assist every 2nd week. We have added the entire season to Sign up above. It is important you sign up when you do help as this is our way of tracking parental assistance as well as knowing where the gaps are. There are numerous tasks we need help with whether if its raking long jump, assisting with your childs age manager, selling raffle tickets, collecting shots all are important and very much appreciated. In addition, each age group is rostered 2-3 times each season to assist with setting up the oval before competition AND packing up the oval after the completion of competition.